Westringia or Coastal Rosemary are a hardy native plant with silver foliage. Both drought and frost tolerant and able to handle coastal winds it makes the perfect addition to any garden. Preferring well-drained soil in a sunny to lightly shaded position.
Varieties stocked:
Westringia 'Zena' - grey-green foliage with white flowers. 1 m H x 1 m W.
Westringia 'Low Horizon' - fine grey-green foliage with white flowers. 30 cm H x 70 cm W.
Westringia 'Jervis Gem' - grey-green foliage with white to pale lavender flowers. 1.5m H x 1.5m W.
Westringia 'Smokie' - white grey foliage with white flowers. 1.5 m H x 1.5 m W.
Pot sizes range from 140mm to 200mm
Prices start from $15
To enquire about stock availability please call Foley's Nursery on (02) 9997 8573 or email foleysretailnursery@iinet.net.au